
The Best and Difficult Parts of Homeschooling

  "What is the nicest thing about homeschooling ?" I questioned several homeschoolers. "What is the most difficult aspect of homeschooling?" So many of the responses were things that we could all agree on. They're right here. The Best Part of Homeschooling Freedom  Flexibility Being with my children all-day Witnessing my child's complete exploration of their interests Knowing that this is the best decision for our family I haven't overlooked anything. Spending a lot of time together as a family Seeing how delighted my children are I don't have to prepare lunches or get my children out the door in the morning. My wonderful friendship with my adolescent They are learning at their rate. I have a lot of influence on what my children learn and how quickly they learn it. My relationship with my children How close and involved my children are in one other's daily lives The ability to explore on their terms Understanding what they are learning in homesch...

What Is Bilingual Homeschooling and How Does It Work?

  Unfortunately, most bilingual homeschooling families do not have any direction or assistance. Because there is no bilingual curriculum accessible for homeschoolers, they will have to figure things out on their own, just like I did when I was left to figure things out on my own. Things have been challenging in the past due to a lack of resources and assistance, but that is changing now as more and more products and services to support bilingual learners join the market. This is related to an increase in the number of dual-language schools across the country. Families are unaware of the benefits of bilingual homeschooling Many people believe that homeschooling entails children sitting for hours at a time at the kitchen table, working in workbooks, and listening to lectures from their teacher-parent, who writes material on a chalkboard. This style of homeschooling is unusual and out of the ordinary. Homeschooling isn't about duplicating the classroom at home for most families. It...

How Should We Do Holistic HomeSchooling? | HomeSchoolToGo

  Design and teach with your heart. Most of us can recall our favorite teachers. Not to mention the ones we'd prefer to forget. But how can you determine what constitutes effective instruction? For years, educators and policymakers have been perplexed by this one question. You can usually tell if a teacher is effective simply by observing them teach. "I know it when I see it" isn't good enough when it comes to comprehending great instruction. Effective teaching has a lot on the line. Great teachers, according to research, have a significant impact on students' academic success, future incomes, and even health. The consequences of inadequate instruction It's essential that Holistic Homeschooling keeps the greatest teachers in the classroom because our students' futures are at stake. Alternatively, you might promote them to positions of higher responsibility. We also need to identify and support teachers who are not assisting their students in their learnin...